Self-Publishing Podcasts and Interviews

As long-time readers may know, I, once upon a time, blogged and published podcasts over at Savvy Self-Publishing. The podcasts offered advice on e-publishing, book marketing, and blogging, and other author-related things. After an eight-month hiatus, I finally updated the site with a new show, and I’m going to try and add episodes more frequently. I’m toying with the idea of finding a tech savvy co-host who wouldn’t mind handling the editing, uploading, and such, as that’s the part I hate. We’ll see!

So, here are the seven shows I’ve done:

There are also some more self-publishing podcasts out there that are actually being updated regularly (this wasn’t the case last year when I first looked for things to listen to in the field):

The Creative Penn — Joanna Penn has been podcasting (interview folks) for ages, and, since she self-published her first thriller last year, many of the shows have shifted to a self-publishing focus. She has lots of great interviews in the archives that you can check out.

Self-Publishing Podcast — Three guys chatting it up on a weekly basis — I’m hoping they’ll do more expert interviews, as I’ve found those most informative.

Publishing Realities Podcast — It hasn’t been updated in a while, but here’s another indie fantasy author giving advice on publishing.

If you know of any other podcasts, please let me know. I’m always looking for things to listen to while I’m walking the pooch.


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6 Responses to Self-Publishing Podcasts and Interviews

  1. Thank you very much for the list of your podcasts as well as the other links. I have already found a lot of valuable information, just starting to go through them. And it was especially nice to hear the sound of your voice for the first time. A sweet voice to go with a sweet lady.

  2. Hi Lindsay. For the “tech savvy” part, are you looking for somewhere to host the MP3 file of your podcasts and deal with uploading? I don’t know much about editing audio or even speaking clearly while being recorded, but we do know about web hosting and web development. We have a virtual private server in the USA where we can host just about anything. Drop me a line if you need help with this.

    • Lindsay says:

      Hey Paul, thanks for commenting!

      I don’t mind uploading files. It’s the editing and messing around in Garage Band that I’m not big on. 😛 Plus it’s hard to stay motivated when you’re going it alone. I thought that with a partner, I might stick to a schedule and post a new show every two weeks or something. Ideally, I could just call in on Skype and the other person would handle the recording and putting everything together. 😉

  3. Edward Smith says:

    Thanks, very good list, Edward Smith

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